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Diversity and Homogeneity 

Creativity by differences

Even though the underlying fabric of super consciousness is one single reality as per quantum physics and ancient scriptures, the entire creation is diverse and unique. Similar to the nature, people are diverse in color, look, place, religion, education, skills, talents, etc. As each person is unique on his own, it is very difficult to understand and relate with one another on plans and prejudices. A person can have an entirely unpredictable unique mindset and belief system that is nearly impossible for another person to understand from his own perspective. Therefore, any endeavor to make a homogeneous approach in relating could go in vain. 

Diversity is applicable to a person as well as a group. On a group level, authorities put forth homogeneous rules such as the laws, traffic, food, jobs, and treatments. It brings about calculable, easier, and effective management especially in engineering and modern medicine technology. However, even when it comes to relating to a group, failure of intelligence happens when we try to establish homogeneity. Homogeneity curtails creativity and it prevents you from developing your capacity and talents. Being authentic as an individual or a group leads to the expression of the true self which in turn leads to creation and contribution, and thus helps to thrive a better community. “Authenticity is about living life on the outside in alignment or congruence with one’s interior (279).” An authentic person chooses his own path according to his passion, makes firm decisions, and cut through the obstacles on all levels. 

Even marriages are done according to a set system as per the culture, and many times homogeneity and disparity lead to conflicts. As marriage involves intimacy and longevity, it is inevitable to accept the diversity within the individuals and to develop a sense of bond which is beyond the laws and in-laws. Betrayals a common scenario when homogeneity is applied in relationships to control and leads to separation quite often. Each person is in a unique situation at any given moment and the way we communicate with that person needs to be adopted creatively. To regulate the rapport, connectedness, empathy and assertive communication need to be developed. 

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